Workshops and Events - Your Memories
Photo Organizing -
How to start!
​​​​​​​Do you have boxes, bags, and albums full of precious family photos and memorabilia just sitting neglected in the closet? Are your photos fading or stuck in photo album plastic? Is it all so overwhelming that you do not know where to start?
Here is your opportunity to learn from Judy Bujold, a Professional Digital Photo Manager - specializing in organizing, digitizing, and managing photos and memories for the home, and office.
​​​​​​​During this 2-hour class, you will:
· Learn the ABC’s and the Do’s and Don’ts of Photo Organizing
We will spend class time providing ideas and solutions for sorting, organizing, and sharing your photos and memories. Handouts covering the process will be provided.
· Learn about backup and digitization options.
We'll discuss scanning options and cover cloud storage as a backup for, your digital photos.
· Get advice from a specialist!
Learn how to jumpstart your photo organization projects from Judy directly and ask her your burning questions.
In addition, we will discuss scanning options and cover cloud storage as a backup for, your digital photos. As a perk for attending the workshop bring 25 loose standard-size photos for scanning during class and get a kick start on your photo preservation.

Photo Organizing - How to start!
The Story behind the photos! Family Photo Books
El Dorado Hills Community Center
1021 Harvard Way El Dorado Hills, CA 95762
DATE: Wednesday, March 6th
TIME: 10:30 AM to 12:30 PM
Register Online: El Dorado Hills (eldoradohillscsd.org)
Sierra 2 Center / The Learnery: Sacramento, CA
2791 24th St,
Sacramento, CA 95818
DATE: Wednesday, May 1st
TIME: 10:30 AM to 1:00 PM
Call to register: 916-452-3005 x202
Swanston Community Center, Fair Oaks, CA
2350 Northrop Ave, Sacramento, CA 95825
DATE: Wednesday, May 15th
TIME: 10:30 AM to 12:30 PM
El Dorado Hills Senior Center
990 Lassen Ln, El Dorado Hills, CA 95762
TIME: 10:30 AM to 1:00 PM
Register Online: El Dorado Hills (eldoradohillscsd.org)
The story behind the photos!
Family Photo Books
Have you ever wanted to preserve your family memories by creating a photo book featuring children growing up, weddings, vacations, holidays, Travel, or other significant events?
In this course, we will look at the various options involved in creating Photobooks. We offer practical ways to include Photobook design into your everyday life. We will present the information in small snippets so you can easily find what you are looking for.
This course will take you from beginning to end, from not knowing how to start to having a photobook in your hands.
Join me as we explore how the real magic appears when you tell the story behind your photos. Bring a laptop and some photos in a folder on your laptop or flash drive, with a plan to start a photo book using mixbook.com.

El Dorado Hills Community Center
1021 Harvard Way El Dorado Hills, CA 95762
DATE: Thursday , May 9th
TIME: 10:00 AM to 1:00 PM
Register Online: El Dorado Hills (eldoradohillscsd.org)