Remember back in the days of loose photos, the only way to identify a person was to write on the back of the photo. If you’re lucky, your Mom took the time to identify each person in the photo. Sometimes all we got is a date, which was better than nothing. Still, today I have no idea who half of the people are in many of my old photos because no one took the time to write any names. That is lost forever.
For those photos that your mom took the time to write the names on the back; maybe she also wrote a date and the location too. That information really makes that photo so much more valuable to you. However, when you scan in the photo you really can’t scan the back of the photo to get that information associated with the front. But you can apply that information about the pictures as ‘tags’. These tags are forever a part of that photo, stored internally as metadata.
Once you have tagged a photo you will not have to do it again except to edit or add to the photo’s tags. That is why tagging is so important for your scanned photos - and your new digital photos- it’s an excellent way to ID your family and friends in a picture. So in 50 years from now, you will now know who the person is standing next to you and where the photo was taken. And best of all you can now search and filter through volumes of scanned and digital photos using the tags you created.
Many photo organizing software apps today, provides you with options for tagging, renaming, keywords, and locations. My favorite company is called Forever. With Forever, you can edit, organize, store, and share your photos. Plus, providing a permanent place for families to preserve and share their stories, values, and tradition - passing those memories down to future generations.
Click here to take a test drive and experience how easy it is to Tag, ID, and Share your precious memories.
6 Ways Your Photos are in Danger
It's easy to assume your photos are safer than ever now that we have so much technology at our fingertips. Unfortunately, there are a lot of hidden risks that aren't often talked about.
In this book you'll:
Find out the hidden downsides to many popular services
See what to do with old photos, albums, and slides
Learn how to make sure your photos are safe and secure
Download the free book by clicking the PDF in the top right corner of this article
May 2016
Remember you cannot eat an elephant in one bite!

Just click on the PDF on the top right to access the Guide.
And remember, we're here to help.
Every month I will offer a helpful tip for Organizing your memories and life. This is an opportunity to keep in touch and get assistance with your legacy when needed.
Finally, be sure to add us to your safe sender list, so you do not miss any updates or informational pieces.
Judy Bujold, Professional Photo Organizer
Insider's Guide to Photo Organizing
You did it!
You took the first step to end your photo chaos by getting some help from the Photo Organizers. You'll love this easy to follow guide for getting started.
Just click on the PDF on the top right to access the Guide.
And remember, we're here to help.
Every month I will offer a helpful tip for Organizing your memories and life. This is an opportunity to keep in touch and get assistance with your legacy when needed.
Finally, be sure to add us to your safe sender list so you do not miss any updates or informational pieces.
Judy Bujold, Professional Photo Organizer